For a Better Salem

As a candidate for the New Hampshire State House, I am deeply committed to championing the needs of every Salem resident and upholding their values. Here are the pivotal issues that demand our attention:

Affordability: The escalating cost of living is a pressing concern for countless residents. I will tirelessly advocate for policies that bolster affordable housing, reduce energy expenses, and enforce prudent fiscal management to ensure our families can thrive without undue financial strain. Notably, I firmly believe that the revenue from legalizing marijuana can significantly alleviate the state's portion of our property taxes.

Freedom to Choose: Every individual deserves the autonomy to make decisions that align with their needs and principles. There is a resounding bipartisan agreement against imposing restrictions on women's right to make choices about their bodies. For instance, 67% of Republicans opposed attempts to ban most abortions in the 2024 Republican Primary Exit poll. Regrettably, several of our current Salem House members oppose sensible bills to safeguard this fundamental right to choose.

Protecting Public Education: A high-quality education forms the bedrock of a thriving community. Salem has consistently demonstrated its unwavering support for public schools over the past decade. However, it is disheartening that many of Salem's current House representatives endorse voucher bills that pose a threat to the state's support for our schools. Together, let's forge a New Hampshire that places paramount importance on affordability, individual freedoms, and a robust public education system. I earnestly seek your support in transforming this vision into a reality. Thank you!